The Cansiglio Alpine Botanical Garden

The Cansiglio Alpine Botanical Garden

Events program for the 2019 summer season.

On Sunday the 19th of May the Alpine Botanical Garden of Cansiglio reopened.
The 2019 summer season offers a lot of appointments.

Sunday, June 9th 10.30 – 12.30
Le piante medicinali, il cibo che cura
Naturalistic Association “G. Lorenzoni ”and Arkaios laboratory.

Dott. Mauro Hartsarich will lead the visit by illustrating how from the mists of time Homo sapiens met the plant world and how over the centuries, with continuous and direct experiences, the first methods of treatment were born, the first medicaments, then refined over the centuries.

16.30 – 17.30

We know the lichens

Naturalistic Association “G. Lorenzoni ”and Sandra Zanchetta DeNatura.

In the Cansiglio Forest they are very common, but often go unnoticed. However, these organisms are very important indicators of the quality of the environment, especially air and biodiversity.
17.30 – 18.30

Voices among the flowers

Naturalistic Association “G. Lorenzoni ”and CAI Vittorio Veneto.

The choir of the Italian Alpine Club of Vittorio Veneto, composed of 25 elements and directed by the teacher Eleonora Possamai, will present excerpts from the popular mountain repertoire and various traditions

Sunday, June 16th

10.00 – 19.00

Cansiglio in bloom 2019

Naturalistic Association “G. Lorenzoni “.

An invitation to discover the jewels of the botanical garden, in the heyday, with guided tours, educational workshops, conferences, tasting of typical products and a final concert at sunset.

Brushes in the woods 2019

The refined magic of botanical painting and more…


Visit to the botanical garden with a nature guide


Garden together kids – Children’s painting workshop, in collaboration with FavolArte.


Visit to the botanical garden with a nature guide.


Tasting of typical organic products and cheeses offered by the Cansiglio and BioSi Dairy Center.


 “From home in the woods

Images and memories of Giancarlo Ferron, gamekeeper and writer, who found a second home in the woods and a source of inspiration for the publication of his books.


Melodies at sunset

The people of the forest come to life with the ancient passages played by Alba Cantante and Andrea Da Cort.

Saturday, June  22nd and 23rd

7.00 – 18.00

PhotoMatching 2019

Naturalistic Association “G. Lorenzoni ”

Meeting of naturalistic photography with continuous opening of the Botanical Garden (7.00 am-7.00 pm) with guided tours, camera tests, academies and multi-vision projections. For information and reservations for the internship: please

The event is included in the admission ticket.

Sunday, June 23rd

16.30 – 17.30

Multivision – The water that unites

Naturalistic Association “G. Lorenzoni ”and the photographers D. Quattrin, F, Marcuzzo and L. Pontel.

The images of the waters of an imaginary river will be the means that, from the mountains to the sea, will unite all the living forms that it will encounter in the cyclical becoming of the seasons.

Sunday, June 30th

15.00 – 17.30

Garden together KIDS – An insect for a friend

Naturalistic Association “G. Lorenzoni “.

Children will be able to immerse themselves in the curious world of entomology to discover the distinctive features of the largest organism class on Earth, with sampling and recognition techniques. For children 7-14 years (max 15 participants).
16.30 – 17.30

From the Cansiglio caves to the Amazonia

Naturalistic Association “G. Lorenzoni ”and Enzo Procopio

From the Cansiglio to the Amazon, from the arctic glaciers to the giant crystals in Mexico. Enzo Procopio and Antonio De Vivo, through splendid videos, tell 25 years of exploration in cavities all over the world. An authentic geographical exploration. In the heart of the Earth.

Sunday, July 7th

16.30 – 17.30

Focus on…. beeches & firs

Naturalistic Association “G. Lorenzoni ”and Valeria Covre.

A journey to discover the trees that make the Cansiglio forest unique: beech and fir trees. We will discover their history and their uses, including culinary and therapeutic ones, that have made these plants an important resource for human beings.

Sunday, July 14th

16.30 – 17.30

Bears, wolves and other friends…

Naturalistic Association “G. Lorenzoni ”and NaturalMenteGuide.

Why did they begin to re-colonize our areas? Is Cansiglio suitable for hospitable people? We will try to become familiar with the biology of these beautiful animals and, with the help of photos and videos, we will try to understand how they are enriching the biodiversity of our territories.
15.00 – 17.30

Garden together KIDS – Discovery Garden

Naturalistic Association “G. Lorenzoni “.

With the same spirit of the nineteenth-century naturalists, prof. Vladimiro Toniello will accompany our children to discover the botanical garden and, notebook in hand, observations on geology, botany and the living beings they will encounter will be proposed. For children 7-14 years (max 15 participants).

Sunday, July 21st

15.00 – 17.00

Garden together KIDS – In the shade of the big trees – itinerant animated readings

Naturalistic Association “G. Lorenzoni ”and the Fontanelle Library group.

We will live together a new and fun experience through the “itinerant animated readings” and the participation in a creative laboratory where we will realize fantastic pinwheels. For nursery and primary school children (max 15 participants).
16.30 – 17.30

Rare plants and extinctions

Naturalistic Association “G. Lorenzoni ”

Meeting with prof. Valentino Casolo, professor of geobotany at the University of Udine, on the subject of human responsibility in plant conservation, to safeguard Biodiversity and natural environments.
Sunday, July 28th

10.30 – 12.30

Medicinal plants and home preparations

Naturalistic Association “G. Lorenzoni “.

Guided tour with Samuele Reina at the garden, where we will observe the medicinal varieties. Their therapeutic benefits and possible domestic preparations for self-medication or for the preparation of simple cosmetics will be explained.
16.30 – 17.30

Art, nature, symbols

Naturalistic Association “G. Lorenzoni ”

Journey through the history of art and literature, discovering the symbols with which man, since ancient times, has told nature and its links with its own unconscious. Readings and images by Ivana De Luca, Sandra Zanchetta, preceded by a multivision projection on the Cansiglio by the naturalist photographer Egidio Alpago.
17.30 – 18.00

Awarding ceremony of the “Lorenzoni 2019 Competition”

Naturalistic Association “G. Lorenzoni ”

Award Ceremony for the thesis of the vascular flora of the Cansiglio, Col Nudo-Cavallo, organized by the Lorenzoni Naturalistic Association.
Saturday, August 3rd

16.30 – 17.30

But are plants smart?

Naturalistic Association “G. Lorenzoni ”and Sandra Zanchetta DeNatura.

We propose a tour of the garden, observing the extraordinary and the beauty of the forms and discovering that every detail has a “secret” function; that plants cooperate to make survival easier and how they prepared the appearance of animal life on Earth.

Sunday, August 4th

16.30 – 17.30

Wonderful amphibians

Naturalistic Association “G. Lorenzoni ”in collaboration with NaturalMenteGuide.

A chat to get closer to the extraordinary world of amphibians, little known animals and often also seen with “distrust”.

We will learn to know their characteristics and their biology a little better, also discovering that the territory of Cansiglio hosts some important and precious species.

Sunday, August 11th

10.30 – 12.30

How to use grass herbs for our health

Naturalistic Association “G. Lorenzoni ”and Margherita Buggero.

Guided tour of the Botanical Garden with the expert herbalist Margherita Buggero who will provide us with her valuable suggestions for knowing how to use what are called “weeds” and which can give us well-being and the environment. Bring the notebook with you.
15.00 – 17.00

Garden together KIDS – Creative recycling and other stories

Naturalistic Association “G. Lorenzoni “.

After a brief introduction, in this workshop we will discover how, with our creativity, the things we don’t need anymore can be transformed and reused! For nursery and primary school children (max 15 participants).
16.30 – 17.30

“Courageous captains”: adaptations of alpine plants

Naturalistic Association “G. Lorenzoni ”and Prealpi Cansiglio Hiking

Like courageous sentinels, the alpine plants must develop numerous adaptations to survive the prohibitive conditions of high altitude, with particular shapes, bearings and colors. Let’s discover together some of these fascinating adaptations while walking through the garden ecosystems.

Thursday, August 15th

16.30 – 17.30

Plants and animals, a long history of friendship

Naturalistic Association “G. Lorenzoni ”and Valeria Covre.

Plants and animals, two kingdoms so different, but always linked by intimate connections that have influenced their evolution. We will discover the secret relationships that have allowed these living beings to conquer our planet.

Saturday, August 17th

16.30 – 17.30

The mysteries of alpine botany

Naturalistic Association “G. Lorenzoni ”and Prealpi Cansiglio Hiking.

We will introduce you to the fascinating world of alpine ecology, focusing attention on some strategies that plants use to survive the extreme conditions in the mountains, with particular reference to the main ecosystems present in the Botanical Garden.

Sunday, August 18th

15.00 – 17.30

Garden together KIDS – Secret worlds in a drop of water

Naturalistic Association “G. Lorenzoni “.

Workshop for our children to discover the biodiversity of plants and ponds, through experiments and the use of microscopes accompanied by prof. V. Toniello. For children 7-14 years (max 15 participants).
16.30 – 17.30

Legends and enchantments in the Anguane woods

Naturalistic Association “G. Lorenzoni ”and Valeria Covre.

Each plant has a story to tell us: a story made up of popular beliefs, traditions, legends, magical and therapeutic uses.

We will go to the discovery of these secrets of theirs.

Sunday, August 25th

15.00 – 17.30

Garden together KIDS – Discovering the plant world

Naturalistic Association “G. Lorenzoni “.

An itinerary tailored to our children, to discover the plants of the garden, their names and characteristics that allow their identification. For children 7-14 years (max 15 participants).
16.30 – 17.30

Virtual walk in the Cansiglio woods

Naturalistic Association “G. Lorenzoni ”

Dr. Veronica Borsato will take us on a virtual walk through images showing us the types, the origin, the floristic composition and the use of the woods, to know the beauty and the rich biodiversity present.
Sunday, September 1st

16.30 – 17.30

Musical September – Forest Harmonies

Naturalistic Association “G. Lorenzoni ”and Ass. Phileo.

First of three appointments with cello music in the Botanical Garden. Songs by Bach, Dall’Abaco, Schubert and Sibelius.
Sunday, September 8th

16.30 – 17.30

September musical – A harmonious garden

Naturalistic Association “G. Lorenzoni ”and OrchestraForte.

The relationship between nature and musical composers over the centuries, interpreted by over thirty instrumentalists from the OrcheStraForte, Vittorio Veneto’s youth orchestra
Domenica 15 Settembre

16.30 – 17.30

Musical September – Magyar Seductions

Naturalistic Association “G. Lorenzoni ”and Czinka.

To the east, in a “bird’s flight”, with the songs of Hungarian and Moldovan folk music, to the rhythm of the “gardon”, the typical percussion instrument of Gyimes.

Sunday, September 22th

16.30 – 17.30

Autumn in the skies of Europe

Naturalistic Association “G.Lorenzoni” and Fabio Favaretto.

Already at the end of August, the birds are preparing for autumn migrations, which will lead them to winter in southern Europe and Africa. The dott. Andrea Favaretto, responsible for the capture and ringing of migratory birds on Mount Pizzoc, will tell us how his team is preparing for this important event.

Saturday, September 28th and Sunday 29the

9.00 – 16.00

Going for mushrooms

Cansiglio Prealps Hiking.

Traditional appointment at the Botanical Garden, with excursions dedicated to mushrooms, in collaboration with the Ass. Mycological Bresadola and the Alpago Cansiglio Tourist Consortium. For info on costs and reservations, send an email to or call 3701107202.
OPENING PERIOD: from May 19th to September 29th

OPENING DAYS: Wednesday, Thursday, Friday: 10.00 – 12.00 / 13.00 – 17.00

Saturday, Sunday and holidays: 10.00 am – 12.30 pm / 2.00 pm – 6.00 pm


June, July, September: Sunday at 15.00

August: Saturday 3.00 pm Sunday and August 15 10.30 am – 3.00 pm

ENTIRE TICKET: € 3.00 adults

REDUCED TICKET: € 1.00 children aged 14-18; € 2.00 adult group (> 10 people); € 1.00 group of children up to 18 years (> 10 people)

FREE ENTRY: minors under 14 accompanied by an adult, disabled persons and their carers.

The proposed events are included in the entrance ticket to the garden.