The visit to the historic center will lead the visitor to discover one of the most important centers of the Serenissima in the mainland, characterized by ancient streets and squares, by buildings of a purely Venetian taste, and by the Meschietti, a work of hydraulic engineering of the century XVI.
This site, which preserves practically intact the aspect it has taken in the centuries. XV –XVI, is enriched by the presence of many buildings of considerable historical and artistic importance, such as the Church of Santa Giustina, the church of Sant’Andrea, the Renaissance Palazzo Minucci-De Carlo, which houses an incredible art collection by vitalistic style and the Castrum of Serravalle, an ancient fortified settlement dating back to Roman times, the church of San Giovanni (with frescoes from the fifteenth century), the Museo del Cenedese and the oratory of San Lorenzo dei Battuti, entirely frescoed.
On the first Sunday of the month, the historic center of Serravalle is colored with stalls displaying antiques, collectibles and various types of handicrafts. An opportunity not to be missed for both fans and the merely curious.
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